@article{oai:tokaigakuin-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002599, author = {宮本, 邦雄 and Miyamoto, Kunio}, journal = {東海女子大学紀要, Bulletin of Tokai Women's University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Several aspects of behavioral development were examined in rats in five experiments. Food hoarding of 30-day-old rats was at the lowest level, facilitated by hunger. Crickets-predation was best performed in 30-days rats. Runway emergence and responsiveness to aversive stimuli (electric shocks and loud noises) of the same age rats suggested that they were less emotional. The performances of radial maze learning of these rats were at the lowest level, showed active responding strategy different from other age rats. These findings suggest the ontogenetic adaptation of postweaning, pre-juvenile rats in terms of general tendency as well as specific behavioral properties., 16, KJ00004688074}, pages = {205--211}, title = {離乳後未成体期ラットの行動発達における個体発生的適応}, volume = {26}, year = {2007}, yomi = {ミヤモト, クニオ} }