@article{oai:tokaigakuin-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002258, author = {大平, 英樹 and OHIRA, Hideki}, journal = {東海女子大学紀要, Bulletin of Tokai Women's University}, month = {Jan}, note = {Four experiments were conducted to examine the validity of facial electromyagragh (EMG) as an index of emotional expression behavior. During recalling or imaging past emotional experiences, individuals express some facial expressions. These expressions were, however, usually too subtle to be observed directly.In the present study, it was suggested that facial EMG could be a useful index of "potential" expressions. It was found that during recalling past positive events the activity of subjects'zygomatics-major region (cheek) muscles was facilitated and during recalling negative events the activity of corrugator region (upper blow) EMG was activated (Experiment 1). When a subject who had strong tendency of social anxiety imaged some interpersonal situations, the activity of corrugator and frontalis region (forehead) EMG was facilitated and the amplitude of EMG activity was positively correlated with the magnitude of anxiety that the subject evaluated (Experiment 2). Furthermore, it was found that the cognitive processing of affect-related words influenced the activity of facial EMG. The depth of processing influenced mentalis region (jaw) EMG activity and the valence of affective words (positive vs. negative) influenced zygomatics and corrugator EMG activity (Experiment 3,4)., 19, KJ00002499816}, pages = {259--272}, title = {表情筋筋電図を指標とした情動の潜在的表出についての検討}, volume = {11}, year = {1991}, yomi = {オオヒラ, ヒデキ} }